Namaste-March 2
How many ‘me’ are there? One that does something and the other that watches and judges. Illusion is bewildering. Neeraja
How many ‘me’ are there? One that does something and the other that watches and judges. Illusion is bewildering. Neeraja
In the end, even though, we got no good results being open and vulnerable and sincere, we are still craving for love, appreciation and intimacy. Maya is incomprehensible. Neeraja
Happy Woman Day Laughter is total and all-embracing. Each atom, each cell, the whole body rejoices in laughter. Where there is laughter there is no mind. Every creature knows the language of laughter. Share this gift, go with the ones that laugh with the heart. Life loves to laugh. May all the women of the world [...]
A dream after a dream. A dream inside a dream Dream after dream Who is dreaming? …the dream itself! Neeraja
In the dissolution of the known the unknown silently dances. In that silence it is love the loves love and the dream disappear before even starting… Neeraja
Each story, each idea, each belief veils the undivided wholeness. Remove the veil! Realize the falseness of separation! It is all a play of shadows and lights that never rises and never falls. Neeraja
The song of silence who can hear it? No one is there apart from it to listen. Neeraja
Aeons orbited and spinned looking for that love that it has already been found. Searching and seeking loosing sight of what has never been lost and has always been here before it’s seeking. Neeraja
The only story that has no beginning and no end is the love story of the Self. No lovers involved only love. Dissolving all horizon in the eternal. […]
It’s time to roar, to welcome open heartedly unpredictable challenges, and unexpected situations. It’s time to love freedom more than ever and surrender all resistances on the altar of silence. […]