

Namaste – July 3

2019-07-14T22:30:12+02:0016 July 2019|

Happy Gurupurnima 2019 “The rose is silent, yet it attracts. So those in Love, have faces shining with beauty. If you cannot hold that love, if you cannot contain it, then distribute it to all, for it is always full”. […]

Namasté – July 2

2019-06-29T16:51:13+02:009 July 2019|

When we drop every attempt of searching, of attainment, of reward, what remains is what was already there even before we started searching for it. In that single instant of awareness of what is, all inner chatter ceases. […]

Namasté – July 1

2019-06-27T13:20:13+02:002 July 2019|

Things are as they are. When we merge in the immensity of the night sky, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations. In truth real seen requires no eyes, for there is ‘no other’ to see. […]

Namasté – Giugno 4

2019-05-29T12:01:53+02:0025 June 2019|

If we want true silence, the natural state, effortless meditation, we need to leave the mind alone. We leave everything just as it appears, without making choices, without touching. We leave everything as it is. As long as we make choices and struggle for something, the experience of our real nature [...]

Namasté – June 3

2019-05-29T11:51:13+02:0018 June 2019|

Could it be true that what we are seeking is indeed already here? If we open our eyes, here it is, and here it has always been. To stop being blinded by what appears reveals the truth of what is. […]

Namasté – June 1

2019-05-29T11:29:54+02:004 June 2019|

If we hear about “something” such as silence and set out to attain it, it will be necessary to take action and make consistent efforts to calm the mind. Having decided that “silence” is desirable, we choose to endeavour for the thing called “silence”, to strive to achieve that desirable state. [...]

Namasté – May 4

2019-05-27T12:13:02+02:0028 May 2019|

Meditation helps tremendously, even if we don’t know it. There is more going on within us than we can ever imagine. Just keep up the practice with enthusiasm. Truth will emerge. Neeraja […]

Namasté – May 3

2019-04-10T13:22:28+02:0021 May 2019|

Meditation leads to the source, the same source of energy, that allows the mind to think and the intellect to discriminate. It is from that source – which is the unknown, the Self – that everything arises. All waves arise from the ocean of the unknown. […]

Namasté – May 2

2019-04-10T13:13:16+02:0014 May 2019|

Meditation is to remain in a state without choices, without interpretations, without desire, and this is the only way that meditation happens. And as long as there is a “choice,” there is desire and freedom cannot manifest. Having choices implies a conflict that blocks the understanding of what is. […]

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