Namaste – September 4
In truth, you cannot do anything to realize the absolute. You cannot become what you already are; all you can do is remove the false constructs of identification that obscure your true nature. […]
In truth, you cannot do anything to realize the absolute. You cannot become what you already are; all you can do is remove the false constructs of identification that obscure your true nature. […]
Everything is an expression of life. And you are that life and its source which is emptiness. The heart sees through empty eyes. And only the heart can intuit oneness. It is easy, do not complicate it by trying to understand with the head. […]
The teaching that transient things are unreal is intended to take away your attention from attachment to transient things and direct it toward their source. Non-attachment and non-identification, awaken you to the eternal. […]
Keep your aspiration to truth high and this teaching will always be with you. It will follow you always even when you may feel it far from you or when you are not really practicing it. Don’t underestimate the potential and the beauty of consciousness. It is the creative force of [...]
How wonderful and easy it is to feel that one is the ‘observer’. Anyone can get a sense of that conscious presence, the same presence that is looking at the screen right now. […]
Consciousness is the fountain and substance of everything that exists. Everything is ‘made’ of what you are, and you are ‘made’ of what everything is. […]
Keep enquiring, ‘who am I?’ This is enough to bring you towards that state of being from where the I comes and flows out. […]
Meditation is meant to break the identification with the whole mind-stream. Meditation is living as consciousness instead of what you are conscious of. […]
‘Real love’ cannot be turned off, held back, there is no option in it. It is indiscriminate love of what is, there is no choice in it, it just shines and yet one can never possess it, hold it, or utilize it. […]
Look inside: is there anything impeding the expression of ‘real love’? What is it that increases separation? Now, how can we get out of it, and step into non-separation? Are we willing to let go of those impediments? […]