

Namasté – September 1

2020-09-06T09:22:08+02:006 September 2020|

Have you ever gone so far till it is impossible to go further? In that place where there are no more thoughts? Can you bear the total absence of thoughts? It is just an old idea that we cannot be in solitude and that we need an other to live with. [...]

Namaste – August 4

2020-08-25T10:40:51+02:0025 August 2020|

The joy to be one with ones own Self is the wholeness of love. Nothing more matters when the distracted mind is brought back to unity. There is no separation in the Self. The absolute is already perfect and infinite. […]

Namaste – August 3

2020-08-18T08:47:34+02:0018 August 2020|

We are fullness, why then, keep on playing hide and seek with our own Self? The ‘me’ is very cunning, impossible to escape. He hides even behind the non-hiding. The doer hides also behind the non-doing. […]

Namasté – August 2

2020-08-13T10:48:10+02:0013 August 2020|

The natural state, the effortless space, the space without imagination has to have your priority. When you find it, you cannot go back to ignorance… it arises suddenly, on its own accord and from there any attempt to think or stop thinking drops, any idea to reach a destination will naturally [...]

Namaste – August 1

2020-08-04T10:35:41+02:004 August 2020|

The natural state is supreme knowledge. If the seeker ask, ‘what is light, what is liberation?’, the teacher gives a method, such as meditation. Meditation is not intellectual, but starts to work on the seeker, it will enable him to see. Meditation doesn’t give answers, doesn’t tell us what is liberation, [...]

Namasté – July 4

2020-07-28T11:21:38+02:0028 July 2020|

To comunicate we need to find a kind of communication that dissolves any other kind of communication. We need to meet where thinking does not want to think anymore. To rest in that impossibility to activate mind…. in that place where there is only mystery and any idea of ‘me’ and ‘my personal story’ is [...]

Namaste – July 3

2020-07-21T15:07:55+02:0021 July 2020|

Meditation is a shift beyond the mind. To evolve in a dimension of consciousness where the experience of the ‘me’ that lives imprisoned in space and time is dissolved into the void.   There is no more duality and every fragmented relationship between ‘me and the world’, ‘I and you’ ‘us and them’ falls down. [...]

Namaste – July 2

2020-07-15T17:22:55+02:0015 July 2020|

Silence has to become the priority in our life, and everything else we do should never limit our aspiration to the Real. It all becomes so simple when we fall in love with meditation. […]

Namaste – July 1

2020-07-07T09:18:20+02:007 July 2020|

The essence of meditation and enquiry is diving to the source, and stay in the silence, not giving any space to mind. Then how easy it is to realize that suffering and pleasure is only mind. All is mind! […]

Namaste – June 5

2020-06-29T17:18:41+02:0029 June 2020|

To keep on chewing on what has been and fantasizing on what may never will be, prevent you from a clear perception. If you are too much concerned with your particular problems, you cannot see the totality of the problem. Empty your vision from expectations, resistances, prejudices and various ideas, Look! [...]

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